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Title Common names Botanical family Type Created Updated Author
Treculia africana African Breadnut Moraceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Trema orientalis African elm Cannabaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Trichanthera gigantea nacadero Acanthaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Trichilia emetica mafura butter Meliaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Trifolium hybridum Fabaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Trifolium repens white clover Fabaceae Plant 12/05/2009 06/18/2019 succulentserenity
Triticum aestivum perennial wheat Poaceae Plant 12/05/2009 06/18/2019 succulentserenity
Tylosema esculentum Marama Bean Fabaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Typha angustifolia cattail Typhaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Typha elephantina bora Typhaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Typha latifolia cattail Typhaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Ulmus pumila Siberian elm Ulmaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Ulmus rubra slippery elm Ulmaceae Plant 12/05/2009 06/18/2019 succulentserenity
Urochloa mosambicensis sabi grass Poaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Urtica dioica stinging nettle Urticaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Vernicia fordii tung oil tree Euphorbiaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Vernicia montana mu-toil tree Euphorbiaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Virola sebifera virola nut Myristicaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Vitellaria paradoxa shea butter tree Sapotaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Vitis labrusca Fox grape Plant 10/12/2009 04/29/2017 toensmeier
Willughbeia coriacea akar gerit-gerit besi Apocynaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Willughbeia edulis gedraphol Apocynaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Wissadula periplocifolia White velvetleaf Malvaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Xanthoceras sorbifolium yellowhorn Sapindaceae Plant 12/05/2009 06/18/2019 succulentserenity
Yucca baccata banana yucca Asparagaceae Plant 12/05/2009 06/18/2019 succulentserenity