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Title Common names Botanical family Type Created Updated Author
Oryza hybrids perennial rice Poaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Oryza longistaminata African perennial rice Poaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Oryzopsis hymenoides Indian Ricegrass Poaceae Plant 09/06/2011 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Oxytenanthera abyssynica African clumping bamboo Poaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Pachira glabra Pachira nut Malvaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Pachycereus hollianus Cactaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Palaquium gutta gutta percha tree Sapotaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Pandanus conoideus marita Pandanaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Pandanus jiulianettii karaka Pandanaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Panicum maximum Guinea grass Poaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Panicum decompositum native millet Poaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Panicum turgidum afezu Poaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Panicum virgatum switchgrass Poaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Parajubaea cocoides coquillo palm Arecaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Parinari curatellifolia Mabo cork-tree Chrysobalanaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Parkia biglobosa African locust bean Fabaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Parkinsonia aculeata Jerusalem thorn Fabaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Parthenium argentatum guayule Asteraceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Pavonia spinifex Gingerbush Malvaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Payena leeri getah sundek Sapotaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Pennisetum purpureum Napier grass Poaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Pennisetum setaceum fountain grass Poaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Pentaclethra macrophylla African oil bean Fabaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Pereskia sacharosa guayapa Cactaceae Plant 06/18/2019 06/18/2019 toensmeier
Persea americana avocado Lauraceae Plant 08/24/2017 06/18/2019 toensmeier